
A Page Dedicated To Bruce Lonsdale

We Will Miss Him...


1) "If Mama Cass shared her sandwich with Karen Carpenter, they'd both still be alive."

2) "My idea of a good date is the indoor slip and slide, a gallon of mazolla and a big bue tarp!"

3) "I like my coffee like I like my women, hot, black, bitter and itchin for cream!"

4) "I want to play motor boat on her breast!"

5) "That's a bad Mamajamma!"

6) Going to the Summit diner for a B.G.B.

7) Grab some Capn' ree for some egg foo up and a combo#5!

8) How to make Duck Sauce...You take a dead pregnant pelican,

jump up and down on it's belly,

and what ever comes out of it's ears is duck sauce.